Sunday, August 23, 2020

Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 19

Report - Essay Example ? â â â â â Citizen Watchdog Coordinatorâ â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â InterNews                                                                                                     Eipalei@INTERNEWS.ORG The report’s substance incorporate; chapter by chapter list, official synopsis, report content, presentation, venture proclamation, and techniques utilized discoveries, examination, end and plan (reference, informative supplements) make sure to take a gander at the suggestions with the goal that you make the important strides as we concurred during our last center gathering conversation. Between news’â liberated and Fair Media program centers around political race related issues in Kenya as well as the whole landmass of Africa by examining its media inclusion of rising and delicate issues (Stifftung , 2012). The program is planned for checking different radio broadcasts in the nation to determine their inclusion of the electioneering time frame that is; Pre-political race period, Election Campaign period, Polling Day and the Results declaring day. This checking venture includes observing perilous discourse in the media and the job of the media in advancing harmony and struggle relief. There are various media subjects being secured including, including sex, hazardous discourse, issue based inclusion, decency and equalization. The report investigates the difficulties that the radio broadcast confronted and proposals that when executed could improve the circumstance. The report likewise records the discoveries by the media screens in the period first January †ninth March 2013. All instances of detest discourse that were accounted for were freely confirmed. The topographical extent of the substance secured was principally national. This study shows that in the vast majority of the projects observed, it is male

Friday, August 21, 2020

Qu saber de controles migratorios en interior USA

Qu saber de controles migratorios en inside USA Pocos programas child ms controversiales que el de los controles migratorios que realiza la Patrulla Fronteriza (CBP, por sus siglas en inglã ©s) en el inside de los Estados Unidos. Su finalidad es determinar el estatus migratorio de las personas que child paradas e interrogadas. Pero aunque ese es su blade head, tambiã ©n llevan a cabo labores de bã ºsqueda de drogas. De hecho, en los controles de carretera es frecuente encontrar perros entrenados para esa funciã ³n (lo que causa problemas en Nuevo Mã ©xico para las personas que utilizan marihuana con fines mã ©dicos). Dnde pueden encontrarse estos controles migratorios y fronterizos de la CBP en el inside En cualquier punto dentro de 100 millas (160 km) a contar desde la frontera, tanto la de Mã ©xico como la norteã ±a con Canad. En el caso de los estados de California, Arizona, Nuevo Mã ©xico y Texas, donde child ms frecuentes, suelen estar an una distancia mxima de 75 millas (121 km) a contar desde la lã ­nea fronteriza que separa Estados Unidos de Mã ©xico. Qu tipo de controles feed en el inside del pas Por carretera Fijos, que pueden operar casi las 24 horas del dã ­a. Se encuentran ubicados principalmente en carreteras interestatales y autopistas principales (thruways). Mã ³viles, tambiã ©n llamados tcticos, que van cambiando de ubicaciã ³n. Autobuses, trenes, estaciones de transporte La CBP puede efectuar controles tambiã ©n siempre y cuando tenga lugar a menos de 100 millas de la frontera. En la actualidad este tipo de control est casi limitado a los estados del suroeste (frontera con Mã ©xico). Es decir, busca en las estaciones de tren y autobã ºs y tambiã ©n se puede subir a bordo. Bets de 2011 tambiã ©n time frecuente en los estados del Norte, como Washington, Michigan, Maine o Nueva York, pero en la actualidad est limitados a casos muy concretos. Qu pregunta la CBP Realizan preguntas tipo: Â ¿es usted ciudadano americano?â ¿hacia dã ³nde va?â ¿quã © est haciendo?â ¿este auto es suyo? Respuestas que se le dan Un buen nã ºmero de ciudadanos americanos se niegan a contestar ya que consideran que es un ataque a su libertad e incluso a la Cuarta Enmienda de la Constituciã ³n. Pero conviene resaltar los siguientes puntos: La Patrulla Fronteriza puede parar y, en su caso, detener Ninguna persona est obligada a hablar sobre su estatus migratorio (7 derechos del inmigrante indocumentado si es arrestado o detenido).Lo cierto es que, por ley, los residentes permanentes legales estn obligados a llevar consigo la tarjeta de residencia (green card).Los extranjeros que estn legalmente en el paã ­s deberã ­a llevar consigo un documento que lo pruebe, como el I-20 (estudiantes), pasaporte con visa reglamentaria, etc.Los que estã ©n ajustando su estatus, pueden llevar una prueba de ellos. Qu sucede si un indocumentado es agarrado en un control migratorio en el inside Puede ser expulsado inmediatamente de los Estados Unidos o iniciarse u proceso de deportaciã ³n. Otras formas de viajar domsticamente dentro del pas Estos child los documentos que se admiten para poder embarcar en un aviã ³n para un vuelo dentro de los Estados Unidos o de salida an otro paã ­s. A tener en cuenta La CBP cuenta en la actualidad con aproximadamente 20,000 agentes en todo el paã ­s. Este programa de control fronterizo interno es muy criticado por amplios sectores de la sociedad, desde ciudadanos que sufren retrasos por estar sujetos an ellos, a defensores de las libertades civiles o de los derechos de los inmigrantes. La presidencia de Donald Trump est ocasionandoâ un gran impacto en asuntos migratorios, por lo que es conveniente estar informado y evitar ser vã ­ctima de fraudes por parte de personas sin escrã ºpulos que se aprovechan del miedo y prometen cosas que, simplemente, no child posibles. Este es un artã ­culo informativo. No es asesorã ­a legitimate.

Monday, July 6, 2020

The Great Gatsby and Prohibition - Free Essay Example

The 1920s in America was an era of excess, a time when the free market thrived and could be afforded. Even products that were declared illegal could be bought from the underground. One product in particular was alcohol, a product restricted by prohibition. Prohibition stated that the production, distribution, and purchase of alcohol was illegal (Kelly). This policy had been built up by a variety of organizations across the nation, looking to dry America. By the 1920s, their efforts brought into effect the 18th amendment, which states that one year after its ratification, the manufacture, sale, transportation, importation and exportation of intoxicating liquors was declared illegal (Constitute: Amendment XVII). This amendment would launch America into the era of Prohibition, and all the consequences that came with it. Realizing the popular, and sometimes desperate, demand for alcohol, despite its recently stated illegality, the American mafia groups began intricate bootlegging operations and profited immensely, gaining wealth and power. This devious and opportunistic criminal activity and other issues caused by prohibition, would cause the government to later reject its previous decision and repeal prohibition. In his novel, The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald uses prohibition and its byproducts as part of his societal tapestry, showing its effects and influence on his characters. In the time of The Great Gatsby, the 1920s, people were living in excess. Despite this, prohibition was in full effect, since the implementation of the 18th Amendment on January 7, 1920 (Burns, Novick). The American brewing companies struggled to stay afloat with this law in place, and many of them largely disappeared. (Pennsylvania Ave Pilsner and a Rochester beer legacy.) After Prohibition, there were only four that came back(Pennsylvania Ave Pilsner and a Rochester beer legacy.). The law and its effects were largely ignored and disregarded by most average people, privately owning alcohol, as well as doing their drinking at speakeasies, secret buildings that were equivalent to a bar(Taylor, Kazmers). One such speakeasy was attended by Nick Carraway and Jay Gatsby when they were having lunch with Gatsbys business partner, Wolfshiem (Fitzgerald). This ignorance of and disregard for the law was rarely punished, as the US government at the time was not as powerful as it is today, allo wing much personal freedom. One of these personal freedoms was womens ability to vote, through the implementation of the 19th amendment to the US constitution. This and other new freedoms for women gave rise to flappers, expressive and rebellious women of the 20s whose likenesses were captured and preserved in several photos from the era. These young woman had their own careers, their own interests and personalities, and worked to satisfy themselves. These new women were the antithesis to the subservient women who came before them. Women participated in the rebellion against prohibition as well, joining their male counterparts in speakeasies in addition to participating in other alcoholic activities. According to the Flappers article on, more young women consumed alcohol in the decade it was illegal than ever before. Prohibition gave many people a chance to rebel and demonstrate personal freedom through disobedience, as well as giving shady individuals and groups a chance at profit. The origins of prohibition stretch back to the 1800s when the habit of excess drinking and alcohol driven abuse was common and a serious problem. According to Ken Burns and Lynn Novicks The Roots of Prohibition, By 1830, the average American over 15 years old consumed nearly seven gallons of pure alcohol a year. To combat this, people like affected women, religious leaders, and popular societal figures founded anti alcohol groups such as the Christian Womens Temperance Movement and the Anti-Saloon league (Burns, Novick). Some of these temperance supporters were former abolitionists who fought against slavery and later came to see drink as an equally great evil to be eradicated(Burns, Novick). These groups lobbied, educated, protested, and allied themselves with other political and activist groups until they gained the influence they needed. The activities of these groups would cause problems and conflict in places were brewing was popular, hurting reputations and economies (Pennsylva nia Ave Pilsner and a Rochester beer legacy.). Soon, a proposal was passed to the US government to delegate on. According to Repeal of Prohibition, By January 1919 three quarters of the states had ratified this proposal, and it became effective on 16 January 1920. The temperance groups had succeeded in drying America with the 18th amendment. This would start the well known and resented prohibition, however, this law really wouldnt stop the production, transportation, distribution, sale, or consumption of alcohol at all (Bootleggers and Bathtub Gin.). At this point, even with good intentions, the biggest mistake of the 1920s would be made. With Prohibition in effect, crime lords like Al Capone saw an opportunity at profit and the consolidation of power. Capone had a brilliant criminal mind, and he focused it on organizing an international bootlegging ring(Taylor, Kazmers). Using their gangs, they began setting up their bootlegging operations, secretly transporting and selling illegal alcohol across the nation and beyond. They would also set up secret bars known as speakeasies to sell their bootlegged products and provide a safe haven for drinkers (Taylor, Kazmers). These speakeasies were hidden and heavily guarded by the gangs enforcers to ensure that their business wasnt threatened. Through their bootlegging and speakeasies, organised crime across America gained much wealth and power. Sometimes, they would use this to gain even more through a method known as racketeering. Racketeering was, in a basic definition, the forcible infiltration of a business to gain control over its funds and products. Some mafia would do it by disguising themselves as workers union members, other would do through sheer deadly force, or a variety of other methods. A gang would racketeer legitimate businesses and even their criminal rivals to amass their influence and wealth. (Taylor, Kazmers) To add to the talk of influence, crime lords like Capone would also successfully bribe and divert law enforcement, allowing their gangs to continue their operations unhindered and without fear of legal punishment, ensuring and preserving profit. This power and influence allowed organized crime syndicates to have a hand in other criminal enterprises, many of them already a part of their bootlegging operations (Parkinson). With all of this, these crime syndicates now had a near monopolistic control over the production, transportation, distribution, and sale of alcohol in America. In The G reat Gatsby, it was revealed that Gatsby was a bootlegger, working for the gangster Mayer Wolfshiem. Through this less than legal activity, Gatsby gained the extreme wealth and mystery he was famous for (Fitzgerald 133-134). Also, Gatsby had a positive reputation with the New York police commissioner, most likely through secret deals and bribery. He uses this reputation to avoid punishment, such as when he avoids getting pulled over when he and Nick were driving to lunch (Fitzgerald 68). Organized crime was a very significant and memorable aspect of 1920s America, as well as a reminder and a warning to those who wanted to implement policies banning popular goods. Increasingly, professionally brewed alcohol wasnt the only drink sold in these speakeasies. Gangs would also sell a kind of do-it-yourself alcohol, nicknamed Bathtub gin. One such instance of the creation and selling of bathtub gin is when the Genna brothers gang gave local poor families special home brewing stills to make drinks (Bootleggers and Bathtub Gin.). The families would connect these stills to their bathtub spigots, hence its name, and would create the strange drink. This was mainly due to the fact that their bottles often were too tall to fit under the spigot in the kitchen sink(Bootleggers and Bathtub Gin.) The gang would afterward buy these drinks to sell in speakeasies. According to Bootleggers and Bathtub Gin, few could tolerate the bad taste of this bathtub gin. Bartenders in speakeasies blended ounces of it with various mixers from bitters to soda pop, juices and fruit garnishes, to hide the flavor of the poorly made alcohol. Nevertheless, this method of making alcoh ol became popular and would spread across the nation. For example, the infamous career of moonshining became further intrenched and become well known in the south around this time. However, while popular and more insidious, the practice of making Bathtub gin was not always safe for the consumer. As previously stated, sometimes the mafia would racketeer businesses (Taylor, Kazmers), however, this was not always for money or power. At this time, some gangs, seeking control over alcohol production, would racketeer businesses for ingredients to be used for bathtub gin (Bootleggers and Bathtub Gin.). In one instance, a gang gained control of a large amount of industrial grain alcohol, using it to make a toxic, and sometimes deadly, breed of bathtub gin that made purchasing bootlegged alcohol a major risk. Industrial alcohol had additional toxic additives place there by regulation in hope of dissuading a thirsty public from consuming it. It didnt work. Bathtub gin would be one of the rea sons for prohibitions later repeal. (The Poisoners Handbook) In conclusion, people would try to make alcohol to save money, time, and to try to avoid trouble with law enforcement. However, these drinks were not the safest to consume and became a risk. The efforts made to enforce and preserve prohibition were failing, people were secretly purchasing alcohol, the mafia was selling it and providing places to drink, and some people were making their own, often poisonous, alcohol. Stopping many of these issues was extremely difficult, for example, the mafias leaders would bribe law enforcement into avoiding them and refraining from investigation, allowing the gangs to exist and expand unhindered (Taylor, Kazmers). Also, despite the selling and purchasing of alcohols illegality in America, there were those who were able to get around this restriction by buying it from other places. According to Repeal of Prohibition, Liquor dealers in Canada, the Caribbean, and Europe provided a ready and unimpeded source of alcoholic beverages, and there were many who were prepared to risk arrest to take advantage of the opportunities afforded. These workarounds and a general disregard for the law wasnt helping support for prohibition. It also wasnt he lped by the fact that the mafia now possessed immense power, wealth, and influence from their bootlegging business (Taylor, Kazmers). Neither was the fact that tainted homemade alcohol was being brewed, sickening and even killing those who consumed it (Bootleggers and Bathtub Gin). Something had to be done to gain control of this situation. The woman appointed to handle cases regarding the enforcement and disobedience of prohibition, Mabel Walker Willebrandt, found a lack of commitment as well as corruption on the part of some of her colleagues, as well as that she lacked authority to deal with the enforcement and violations of the 18th amendment. (The Repeal of Prohibition) According to The Repeal of Prohibition, sixty-nine hundred arrests had been made during one three-year period, but only twenty convictions had been obtained. Willebrandt, had also found that US attorneys from around the country were not committed to enforcing the law, only adding to prohibitions failures. Forced to deal with these and other difficulties, Willebrant gave up, leaving the corrupt and uncommitted around her to figure out the problem for themselves. Things would soon change after the Stock Market Crash occurred and The Great Depression set in. Prohibition would become unpopular. The common opinion, according to The Repeal of Prohibition, was that Prohibition simply no longer fit the American lifestyle. The Democratic Party would soon take interest in this new revelation, and use it to their advantage. They added the repealing of prohibition to its election platform, and gained popular support. This would all soon come to a head when the 21st amendment was passed on December 5, 1933, bringing an end to prohibition. Even after prohibitions repeal in 1933, many of its consequences exist and thrive today. One such consequence is that prohibition did somewhat work as intended. According to Ten Legacies of Prohibition, the pre prohibition era average American consumed about 2.6 gallons of alcohol per year, while the post prohibition era average American consumed about 2.2 gallons. So people actually drank less during and after prohibition. This abstinence from drinking, could possibly be caused by the fact that it is harder to find drinks now than during the prohibition era. According again to Ten Legacies of Prohibition, the United States government has passed a variety of laws, 18 to be exact, that direct and control the sale and purchase of liquors. Also, some states and counties have certain drinking jurisdictions that regulate how much, as well as what kind of alcohol can be sold in those areas. In addition to these purchase regulations, the creation of bathtub gin, as well as other distillery based drinks remains, to this day, illegal. Liquors are also heavily taxed, Ten Legacies of Prohibition states that In 2014, the feds took in $7.9 billion in federal excise taxes on liquor, which by U.S. estimates is a $400 billion to $500 billion per year industry employing about four million people. This makes selling alcohol in the modern era a very expensive business. Throughout the prohibition era, organized crime ran rampant, profiting and enforcing their bootlegging operations (Taylor, Kazmers).In The Great Gatsby, Tom Buchanan find out about Gatsbys criminal history, saying He and this Wolfshiem bought up a lot of these side-street drug-stores here and in Chicago and sold grain alcohol over the counter (Fitzgerald 133.) When prohibition ended, the mafia, realizing their loss of a source of profit, either continued to sell alcohol legally, or moved on to other questionable activities. The latter turned to the usual Mob rackets of illegal gambling, prostitution, loan sharking, narcotics and murder-for-hire.(Ten Legacies of Prohibition) Present locations, such as Las Vegas, exist and thrive because of the mafias procession from one profitable vice to another. Prohibition has some present day political implications as well. Founded in 1869, the Prohibition party was the first party to allow women to be members, as well as the nations oldest third political party to date. Despite its historical influence, the party is rather insignificant today compared to its popularity back in the day. In 2012 the partys presidential candidate only garnered 512 votes according to Ten Legacies of Prohibition. Suffice it to say, this party seems to be more of a an artifact of political history rather than a powerful force of decision making. One very beneficial present day consequence of the Prohibition Era is womens rights. In addition to the implementation of the 19th amendment, women would drink alongside men in speakeasies at this time, a very taboo concept before prohibition and the previously stated 19th amendment. Women were also gaining power in the political field, in 1923, a woman named Pauline Sabin became the first woman on the Republican National Committee(Ten Legacies of Prohibition). This was as well as a woman named Maria Brehm became Americas first female candidate for vice-president. One final, and arguably, the most memorable example of an important women in the 1920s is Mabel Walker Willebrandt. Mabel Walker Willebrandt was a female lawyer, best known for her time serving as the United States assistant attorney general from 1921 to 1929, and her relentless attitude toward the enforcement of the 18th amendment. However, one other important thing she was involved in was the reform of the prison system. According to Naomi Blumberg in her article about Willebrandt, Willebrandt was largely responsible for establishing the first federal reformatory for young male first-time offenders. Also, Willebrandt had noticed the growing number of women violating prohibition laws, leading her to advocate for female only federal prisons. In 1927, the first of the female only prisons opened in Alderson, West Virginia. Later in her life, she would support the Screen Directors Guild during the communist Witch Hunt lead by Joseph Mccarthy in the 1950s. Sadly, not long afterward, she would die of lung cancer on April 6th 1963(Blumberg). Willebrandt was woman who proved the capabilities of women in the political field and left behind many legacies of reform and progress. Now that the history of prohibition its legacies have been discussed, we will discuss Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsbys connections to it. One such example are the gangsters. They were seen at Gatsbys party, as well as in the speakeasy that Nick and Gatsby were having lunch in. (Fitzgerald 69-74) In addition to gangsters, bootleggers were also seen. In the later events of the book, Gatsby was revealed to be a bootlegger, using a medicine business to secretly sell alcohol (Fitzgerald 133-134). Gatsby also had connections in the underground, to a gangster named Mayer Wolfshiem (Fitzgerald 63-73) Lastly, while seemingly minor, the most pervasive connection to prohibition is the ownership and consumption of alcohol itself. All throughout the book people are drinking alcohol, serving it, keeping it around, or transporting it. For example, when Nick, Jordan, Gatsby and the Buchanans go to the hotel, taking alcohol along (Fitzgerald 120). In addition to alcohol being a central consumable at Gat sbys parties. (Fitzgerald 39-60) In conclusion, prohibition was an important aspect of life in the roaring 20s, and while a very seemingly minor detail in the grand scale of Fitzgeralds book, it was a pervasive underlying detail and there is evidence of it all throughout. It supports Gatsbys wealth, mystique, facilitates his generosity, and overall puts the Great in Great Gatsby.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

George Orwell s 1984 Chunks - 2697 Words

Meesha Hussain LA 10 HONORS Summer Assignment George Orwell’s 1984 Chunks Section 1- 1. The three slogans of the party are â€Å"WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH†, (Orwell, 7). At first glance, these slogans would appear absurd but after further investigation they ironically couldn’t be more true. War is Peace means that while the country is at war the people’s attention is diverted from seeing the corruption of the government. Nobody rebels against the government because they have a bigger issue to handle, the war. Ignorance is strength meaning that the people’s ignorance causes them to not question the Party which is the party’s idea of making the country strong. Freedom is slavery means that if people are given the freedom to do what they wish and show ideas that are not for the party, everybody becomes weak. They are imprisoned by the thoughts they conjure which means they cannot stand up against even one idea from the party. 2. The program of the Two Minutes Hate varied from day to day, â€Å"but there was none in which Goldstein was not the principal figure. He was the primal traitor, the earliest defiler of the Party s purity. All subsequent crimes against the Party, all treacheries, acts of sabotage, heresies, deviations, sprang directly out of his teaching, (Orwell,13). The Two Minutes Hate is a daily ritual performed by members of the party who shout profanities at those who are enemies of their beloved party. The purpose of this is to makeShow MoreRelatedSymbolism in 1984841 Words   |  4 PagesGeorge Orwell, in his dystopian novel 1984, includes many symbolic objects, themes, and characters. These symbols are important to a deeper understanding of the book and its purpose. The language in 1984 is symbolic of the Party s manipulation of its members. The development of Newspeak, although seeming to improve the civilization, depletes thought, creativity, and individualism in its speakers. This represents the Party s main goal of brainwashing and taking complete control. The termsRead MoreThe Case Of Whistleblower Edward Snowden1867 Words   |  8 Pagesjournalist Glen Greenwald and award-winning Documentary filmmaker Laura Poitras, sending encrypted emails under then name citizen four to both Mr. Greenwald and Ms. Poitras for weeks before asking both to meet him in a hotel room in Hong Kong. That s meeting would be one that changed the culture of the United States. As the information, Mr. Snowden leaked showed that not only had the NSA been collecting information it had deputies US corporations to help in its collection of the metadata of US citizens

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Soc 239 Child Welfare Essay - 1025 Words

Kadiatou bah November 27, 2016 SOC 239: Child Welfare You Gotta Believe is one of the few organizations in the U.S and the only organization in the New York City Metro area that limits its practice to finding permanent parents and families for young adults, teens, and pre-teens in the foster care system. You Gotta Believe was founded in 1995 by Pat O’Brien, a Brooklynite working in New York City on preventing homelessness noticed a peculiar pattern: when reviewing surveys of adults in homeless shelters, he found that as many as 50% had spent time in foster care. Pat realized that youth who were leaving the foster care system had nowhere to go and were often finding themselves homeless. He thought it unrealistic to imagine that youth ages 18-21 would be prepared to make it on their own in today’s society after being turned out onto the streets by the foster care system. Those teens needed permanent parents just as much as younger youth who are most often considered ready for adoption. Working with a group of adoptive parent s and young people who aged out of care, Pat conceived the idea of You Gotta Believe. Numerous studies have shown that youth who age out of the system face a grim future from lack of education and lack of employment, they also face higher rates of early pregnancy, incarceration, poor health, and homelessness. The longer children are in care, the further behind they fall academically with each placement and school disruption. 56% of youth in care changeShow MoreRelatedSocioeconomic Status Essay3746 Words   |  15 PagesSocioeconomic Status and Child Development Socioeconomic status (SES) is one of the most widely studied constructs in the social sciences. Several ways of measuring SES have been proposed, but most include some quantification of family income, parental education, and occupational status. Research shows that SES is associated with a wide variety of health, cognitive, and socioemotional outcomes in children, with effects beginning prior to birth and continuing into adulthood. A variety of mechanismsRead MoreHuman Resources Management150900 Words   |  604 Pages 10 Section 1 HR Management—Strategies and Environment women, because women more than men tend to interrupt careers for child rearing. To respond to these concerns employers are facing growing pressures to provide â€Å"family-friendly† policies and benefits. The assistance given by employers ranges from maintaining references on child-care providers to establishing onsite child-care and elder-care facilities. Also, employers must have HR policies that comply with legislation requiring many employersRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 PagesSUPPORTIVELY 234 SKILL ASSESSMENT 234 Diagnostic Surveys for Supportive Communication Communicating Supportively 234 Communication Styles 235 SKILL LEARNING 238 Building Positive Interpersonal Relationships 238 The Importance of Effective Communication 239 The Focus on Accuracy 240 What Is Supportive Communication? 242 Coaching and Counseling 244 Coaching and Counseling Problems 245 Defensiveness and Disconfirmation 246 Principles of Supportive Communication 247 Supportive Communication Is Based on CongruenceRead MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words   |  702 Pagesquality, environmental sustainability, and natural resources conservation in east Africa. For example, Starbucks paid Ethiopian coffee farmers a 75 percent premium over market prices, believing this was better than passing out the equivalent in welfare.14 One wonders, however, as sales and profits confront recessionary times, whether it can maintain its social responsibility against pressure from investors and creditors. UPDATE—GOING INTO 2008 In early January 2008, Schultz, the company’sRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words   |  1056 PagesAppraisal with the Employee 237 Initiate Corrective Action if Necessary 237 Appraisal Methods 237 Evaluating Absolute Standards 237 Critical Incident Appraisal 238 Checklist Appraisal 238 Graphic Rating Scale Appraisal 238 Forced-Choice Appraisal 239 Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales 240 Relative Standards Methods 241 Group Order Ranking 241 Individual Ranking 241 Paired Comparison 241 WORKPLACE ISSUES: A Special Case of a Career: Entrepreneurship 222 Enhancing Your Career Summary 224 Demonstrating

Free Essay Home Depot History and Business free essay sample

First of all, I would like to thank you for giving me the honor to analyze your well organized and developed company. In this memo, I am going to discuss the strategic factors facing Home Depot, the strategies that the company has been following for the past years, and the distinctive competency Home Depot attain. Also, I am going to give my recommendations and opinion. Some of the strategic factors that Home Depot faces are related to product quality, price, advertising, store capacity, competitors, and customers independency and satisfaction. Most of these strategic factors helped in the growth and popularity of Home Depot. Home Depot offers good quality products such as home improvement products, lawn and garden supplies. Installation services for these products are offered too. Home Depot like Wal-Mart Company offers low prices everyday. Operational efficiency had been a crucial part of achieving these low prices while still offering a high level of customer service. The company assesses and upgrades its information to support its growth, reduce and control costs and enable better decision-making. From the installation of computerized checkout systems, to the implementation of satellite communications systems in most of the stores, the company had shown that it has been and would continue to be innovative in its operating strategy. In year 1994 Home Depot introduced a prototype store format that offered about 32,000 more square feet of selling space and a significantly broader and deeper selection of products and services, as well as a more convenient layout than the traditional stores. These Type (V) stores were designed around a design center, which grouped complementary product categories. Therefore, this wide store capacity enabled Home Depot to stock like 40,0000 to 50,000 products in each store. I think that this is a very good strategic factor that enables the store to offer a wide variety of products. Lowes is the main competitor against Home Depot. Both companies have big stores, and many products. But Home Depot is still number one. Mike Brune from the Rainforest Action Network declared that Its been a busy month for us all as we attempt to find out the implications of the Home Depot victory on the entire DIY (do-it-yourself) industry, get the all important details of Home Depots new policy, and actually determine to what degree the new policy is a victory at all. The short answer is that there is a lot of good news, with some large question marks. Home Depots announcement, and the extensive press coverage it earned, sent shockwaves through all of Home Depots competitors. (Mike Brune. Important Update on Home Depot and Competitor Policies. Retrieved October 5, 1999, from http://forests. org/archive/america/compdebo. htm). Home Depot has stores all over the map nationally, and is expanding worldwide. It recently put competitor Hechinger out of business, and before that Builders Square. (Rob Landley. A Case for Home Depot. Retrieved January 14,2000, from http://www. fool. com/portfolios/rulemaker/2000/rulemaker000114. htm). Congratulations on being number one in your industry. I would like now to discuss the reasons behind this success for year 2002 . I think that the strategies that you and your employees are following and the great customer service are leading to the growth and success of your company. Home Depot uses a clustering strategy to locate new stores closer to existing ones. The short-term effect is to lower same-store sales. On the other hand, this strategy can create a strategic advantage by raising the barrier of entry to competitors. It reduces overcrowding in the existing stores. It also allows the company to spread its advertising and distribution costs over a larger store base. I think that this strategy led Home Depot to have fewer competitors, and lowered the distribution cost. On the other hand, opening too much stores increase the expenses from equipments, products and employees. Even if, the company can afford to open all these stores, I do not think that the company should open many stores in one area. Another strategy that your company is following is focusing on customer service and satisfaction or what is referred to customer cultivation. Customer cultivation is the result of the provision of highly qualified and helpful employees, professional clinics and in-store clinics. When the company was faced with clogged aisles, endless checkout lines, and too few salespersons, it sought creative ways to improve customer service. Workers were added to the sales floor, shelf stocking and price tagging were shifted to nighttime, when the aisles were empty. Therefore, the availability of sales personnel to attend to customer needs was one clear objective of the Home Depot customer service strategy. It gave the DIY (Do It Yourself) customers the support and confidence that no home project was beyond their capabilities. Home Depot attitude of complete customer satisfaction has led the company to constantly seek ways to improve customer service. I think that this strategy is great and was worth all the expenses because the employees were free to sell during the day and focus more on the customers needs. It the good experience that brings the customer again and its the word of mouth that brings other new customers, therefore, customer satisfaction is the most important strategy that any company shall follow. The third strategy that you company is following is focusing on extensive advertisement. In year 2002, Home Depot spent $895 million on advertising, 9. 5 percent more than the $817 million it spent in 2001 and 24 percent more than the $722 million it spent in 2000. Home Depot is one of the nations largest retail advertisers and spends far more on advertising than comparable stores. Home Depot spent nearly eight times as much on advertising in 2002 than its nearest competitor, Lowes Cos. Lowes, which has just half the annual sales of Home Depot, spent about $114 million on advertising in year 2002. Jim Lovel. Home Depot ad spending $895M. Retrieved April 25, 2003, from http://www. bizjournals. com/atlanta/stories/2003/04/28/story1. html). Therefore, extensive advertising is giving Home Depot a distinctive competency against other companies in the same industry. These strategies are implying higher expenses in order to be achieved, especially the huge expenses on advertising. I would l ike to make a comparison between two most growing companies in the USA (Home Depot and Wal-Mart) . In 2002, Home Depot spent 32 percent more than Wal-Mart Stores Inc. , the worlds largest retailer. Wal-Mart with annual sales almost five times higher than Home Depots spent $676 million on advertising last year. (Jim Lovel. Home Depot ad spending $895M. Retrieved April 25, 2003, from http://www. bizjournals. com/atlanta/stories/2003/04/28/story1. html). Therefore, the more money you spend on advertising, does not lead to increase in annual sales but it leads to increase in expenses. Even though, the extensive advertising made this company have a distinctive competency against other companies but Home Depot spent $ 895 million on advertising and Lowes company spend only $114 million. It is true that the annual sales of Home Depot were more than half than Lowes but Home Depot can lower its expenses of advertising to 5 times and can still be able to compete with Lowes company. So, the main question for you is that can you plan a strategy that does not require higher expenses? I am not implying that these strategies are not working but I think that there should be a strategy that keep the company growing but at least lower the expenses. Net Sales had increase 10. 5% year 2003, comparing to year 2002.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Obesity and Healthy Eating

Introduction Obesity has been on a steady increase in the US resulting in a decline in the individual’s health since people who are obese are at increased risk of physical as well as psychosocial health consequences.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Obesity and Healthy Eating specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The high prevalence rates of obesity particularly among children and adolescents have caused alarm. Calls have been made for direct action to be taken and effective strategies and programs implemented to prevent the problem. Chief among the many solutions proposed has been the adoption of healthy dietary practices. This paper shall argue that the consumption of healthy foods is the most effective solution in fighting the obesity epidemic and as such, it should be endorsed by everyone. Obesity and Healthy Eating While obesity can be caused by differing reasons, the fact is that obesity is mostly limited to people who overindulge in unhealthy food and exhibit limited activity. This may point to lifestyle issues being one of the chief causes of the disease. As proof that nutrition plays a major role in obesity, there is a rise in obesity among school going children. This is against a backdrop of extensive documentation to the effect that food available in schools is of low nutritional value and unhealthy as it is mostly made up of snacks, fast foods and sodas. Fast foods are the biggest culprits in promoting unhealthy eating habits among youths. Health foods on the other hand are balanced and they do not lead to an excessive increase of the calorie count in an individual. Adoption of healthy dietary practices helps to alleviate obesity and reduces the risk of obesity even further.Advertising Looking for essay on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More As a result of this, healthy eating is hailed as the biggest contri buting factor to an individual’s well being and it is associated with an increased quality of life as well as longer life expectancy. Case against Healthy Eating Some skeptics of healthy eating argue that despite all the efforts currently in place emphasizing proper nutrition, obesity seems to be in fact growing. The effectiveness of healthy eating as a means to prevent obesity is therefore questioned due to lack of visible results. While it is true that the society is now more aware of the benefits of adopting a healthy lifestyle, this does not translate to adoption of the recommended proper nutrition by the individual. People are continuing to indulge in unhealthy eating habits despite being aware of alternative healthier diets. Healthy eating is therefore not failing to prevent obesity; rather, it is people who continue to ignore healthy eating who are making obesity rates rise. Discussion and conclusion Obesity is unequivocally linked to fatal conditions such as strokes a nd may also lead to diabetes. It would therefore not be an exaggeration to claim that obesity is a killer disease. This is a view that is shared by the CDC who place obesity as second only to smoking in the preventable causes of early death. Obesity also makes up a significant amount of the annual health care expenditure in the US. This being the case, all measures of preventing obesity should be taken up. This paper set out to argue that consumption of healthy food helps to prevent obesity. This paper has effectively demonstrated that unhealthy eating habits are the main cause of obesity.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Obesity and Healthy Eating specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It can therefore be inferred that health eating will reduce the prevalence of obesity which will be beneficial to the individual since it will lead to an improved quality of life. This essay on Obesity and Healthy Eating was written and submitted by user Elise Walker to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.